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Family Dinner

Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup
rs sat 14 December 2015
The cold winter months are upon us and its that season when we tend to fall under the weather with colds and flu. Those of us that just pref...
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Lunch Time Tacos II
rs sat 11 November 2015
The taco craze continues in my kitchen as after a few different attempts I feel that I have found a quick and delicious taco recipe that eve...
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Broiled Salmon with Lemon Garlic Rub
rs sat 30 March 2015
Well since I got such a great response with my last fish recipe I though I would share another, for those that have been following me now fo...
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Spicy Breaded Garlic Chicken
rs sat 06 July 2014
When your looking at keeping your calorie count low, skinless boneless chicken breast is one of the better options out there. This chicken r...
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Sweet and Spicy Chicken Thighs
rs sat 17 April 2014
Who doesn't enjoy a good piece of chicken and one of the tastiest chicken parts I find are the chicken thighs when made properly it just...
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Baked Tilapia with Garlic Butter Mix
rs sat 13 April 2014
I always enjoyed growing up in a household that loved to eat fish. There are so many fish to choose from, with many different tastes and can...
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Lamb Curried Casserole with Sweet Potatoes
rs sat 29 March 2014
Lamb for some is an acquired taste but when it is cooked properly the taste and how your body responds to it makes it one of the better meat...
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