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Gluten free Chocolate Christmas Crinkle Cookie

Chef Jennifer Peters spent years creating her NextJen Gluten-Free All-Purpose Baking Blend — and with recipes like this one, you won’t miss traditional wheat flour at all. (It’s also dairy-free, corn-free, sulphite-free, xanthan gum-free and, she promises, hassle-free.) To find retailers selling the baking blend, visit her website at

½ cup (125 mL) organic coconut fat
1 ½ cup (250 g) yellow sugar
Pinch of salt
2 tsp. (10 mL) pure vanilla extract
¼ cup (60 mL) milk
3 large eggs
2 ¾ cup (310 g) NextJen gluten free all-purpose flour
2 tsp. (10 mL) baking powder
6 oz (170 g) dark chocolate, 70 per cent cacao, roughly chopped
3 tsp. (15 mL) cocoa powder
2 cups (500 mL)

In a stand mixer, cream coconut fat on medium speed, then sugar, salt and vanilla and continue to mix until light and fluffy.

Add eggs, one by one, then milk. Mix until well combined.

In a separate bowl, sir together the NextJen gluten free flour and baking powder.

In the top of a double boiler, cook chocolate over simmering (not boiling) water until chocolate is melted, then mix in the cocoa until fully blended. Remove chocolate from heat and add a little to the egg mixture to temper it. With the mixer on medium speed, slowly add the rest of the chocolate. Reduce the speed of the mixer and add the flour and baking powder. No need to worry about over-mixing as there is no gluten in the flour. Chill in fridge for 11/2 to 2 hours.

Meanwhile, preheat oven to 325 F (160 C). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

When dough is firm, scoop into rounds, about 2 tbsp (30 mL) each. (A small ice cream scoop will make this easier.) Roll each round in icing sugar until well covered.

Place on lined baking sheet, 2 inches (5 cm) apart, then bake until crinkles form, about 8 minutes.

Makes about 26.

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