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Christmas tree crispy pops

Prep: 30 mins
Cook: 5 mins
Plus chilling
Skill level Easy
Servings Makes 6

These fun marshmallow lollipops are a great way to entertain children in the kitchen

200g marshmallows
3 tbsp golden syrup
100g Rice Krispies
6 ice-cream cones
500g icing sugar
½ tsp green food colouring
sweets and sprinkles, to decorate

Melt the marshmallows and golden syrup in a pan, then stir in Rice Krispies. Working quickly, pack the mixture into ice cream cones and push a lolly stick into the middle of each one. Chill the cones for 1 hr until completely firm. Mix icing sugar with green food colouring and enough water to make a thick icing. Dip the cones into the icing and decorate with sweets and sprinkles. Prop up on a wire cooling rack to set.

Recipe from Good Food magazine, January 2012

