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Frozen Almond and Chocolate Cupcakes

These trendy cupcakes are easy to prepare and make perfect individual birthday cakes.
Course Desserts and Sweets
Prep. Time 20 mins
Freezing Time 2 hrs
Yields 12 servings

4 cups (1 l) vanilla ice cream, softened
1/2 cup (60 g) ground almonds
1/2 cup (63 g) chocolate, grated

1/2 cup (64 g) chocolate chips
1/2 cup (56 g) cocoa powder
1/4 cup (57 g) butter, at room temperature
8 oz (250 g) Canadian Cream cheese, at room temperature
1 cup (300 g) icing sugar
A pinch of salt

Line a 12 muffin pan with foil or silicone muffin cups and set aside.

In a bowl, combine ice cream with ground almonds and grated chocolate. Fill muffin cups with ice cream using an ice cream scoop and freeze for 2 hours.

Melt the chocolate chips in a double boiler and add butter and cocoa powder. Mix cream cheese with icing sugar and salt, add the chocolate mixture and mix well. Pour the frosting into a pastry bag fitted with a star tip. You could also use a plastic bag (Ziploc® type) from which you will have cut one of the lower corners diagonally.

Before serving, remove ice cream from the freezer, which is the base of the cake and top with frosting. Serve immediately.

Note: You can replace ice cream with ice milk.

Chidren will have fun decorating the cupcakes with toppings of their choice.

