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Feel free to use anything from cream to honey-sweetened water instead of the alcohol.

1 batch sweet dough (see other recipe)

¼ cup (57 g) butter (softened
2 teaspoons (30 mL) cinnamo
1/3 cup (63 g) packed brown sugar

½ cup (114 g) butte
½ cup (95 g) packed brown sugar
½ cup (190 g) honey
1/3 cup (80 mL) Grand Marnier (You can also use Jack Daniels, Scotch, Spiced Rum … any caramel-like liquor)
½ teaspoon (2 mL) sea salt

While dough is rising, prepare the pans, filling and glaze for baking. For the pans, grease one large or two medium sized baking pan or skillets. Set aside.

For the filling, mix together softened butter, cinnamon and brown sugar in a bowl. Set aside at room temperature so it’s easy to spread.

For the glaze, add butter, brown sugar, honey, Grand Marnier and salt to a saucepan. Melt together and bring to a simmer. Let simmer and bubble away for a couple minutes while whisking. Once it is a smooth, brown glaze, remove it from heat. Divide half of the glaze and put in the pans you’ll be using. Set the other half aside for later.

Once your dough has risen, push down to deflate. Remove from bowl and add to lightly floured surface. Also, sprinkle dough lightly with flour. Lightly pull and stretch dough into a rectangle shape.

Use a rolling pin to then work the dough into a large rectangle shape, roughly 16 inches (40 cm) by 12 inches (30 cm). You may need to alternate between rolling and stretching until you get a evenly thick rectangle.

Once your dough is rolled out, spread entire top side with all the filling. To begin rolling, start at one of the longer sides of your rectangle. Begin to softly roll the dough up, like you would a sleeping bag, until it is one big cylinder. Cut into 6-10 pieces and divide among pans. Lightly cover with damp paper towel before loosely covering with plastic wrap.

Preheat the oven to 350 deg. C and let buns rise for about an hour until doubled in size. Bake for 25-35 minutes in middle of oven until deep golden and centre swirl of bun softly springs back when pressed.

Once out of the oven, drizzle with remaining glaze before allowing to cool on rack. Enjoy immediately or wrap air-tight with plastic wrap and keep for a day or so.

Makes 6 large buns, or up to 10 smaller ones

