Making rich, creamy fudgsicles from scratch is easy! Both kids and adults will love
cooling off this summer with this delicious frozen treat.
Growing up, one of my favorite frozen treats were fudgsicles. You know, the ones in the box that your mom bought from the grocery store. I had one practically every night after dinner. Sometimes I'd get one from the ice cream man during the day, too. But almost always I had one for dessert.
Little did I know that one day I would be making these delicious frozen treats from scratch for my own family! In celebration of National Ice Cream Month, I sought out to recreate my favorite childhood frozen novelty treat. What I made is better than I ever imagined. The best part? These fudgsicles are made with only four ingredients. FOUR! Can you believe it? It's crazy to me that four simple ingredients can turn into something to creamy, so chocolaty, so decadent.
I promise you though, these fudgsicles are just like the ones you had as a little kid. But even better because they're homemade. Give them a try, get your kids involved in the fun. I guarantee you won't be disappointed!
Author: Sarah Bates | The Chef Next Door
Makes 12
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1 cup sugar
3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/4 cup honey
1/4 tsp salt
Heat the milk, sugar, cocoa powder, honey and salt in a pot over medium heat, stirring often, until the sugar has dissolved. Remove from heat and cool to room temperature. Pour into popsicle molds and insert sticks, then freeze until firm, about 24 hours.
Remove the popsicles from the molds and place in a freezer safe bag until ready to eat.
Bon Appetit!
I'm proud to partner with the United Dairy Industry of Michigan and I thank them for sponsoring this post! I was compensated for developing a recipe to celebrate National Ice Cream Month with my favorite frozen novelty treats. As always, all opinions are my own. UDIM, branded as Milk Means More, is the umbrella organization for the American Dairy Association and Dairy Council of Michigan. Their goal is to promote Michigan’s locally produced dairy products and reconnect consumers with the people behind their food.
For more great dairy recipes, follow Milk Means More, on Pinterest. To learn more about nutrition, animal care/well-being and on-farm practices related to dairy products and the dairy industry, you may want to follow Milk Means More on Facebook. You can also follow them on Instagram, Twitter and YouTube!
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