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Cupcakery Review: Sibby's

Sibby's Cupcakery - January 5, 2015
I first had Sibby’s Cupcakes when I worked at Yahoo! Back then, Sprinkles was my cupcake of choice but I have to admit, Sibby’s unseated them. Three things work in Sibby’s favor: first, the cupcakes are the perfect size, maybe a bit smallish but that’s not a bad thing because they’re so good you’ll want to eat more than one. Second, they don’t put a ton of frosting on their cupcakes. For a non-frosting person like me, it’s refreshing not to have to scrape off a mountain of creamy sugar to get to the cupcake. Third, did I mention they’re so good you want to eat more than one??
Sibby's Sampler
When I left Yahoo! a few years ago, my team was nice enough to order Sibby’s as part of my send off. I’m glad they did as my Sibby’s source dried up after that. They’re a small business in the Bay Area but they don’t have a retail storefront so you have to order online then go pick up your cupcakes at their commercial kitchen. Which I’m not opposed to doing but I generally don’t order a dozen or two cupcakes, no matter how much I want to. That irritating portion control thing. I suppose I could have bought a (couple) dozen to share but Sibby’s kitchen was far enough away from where I lived and worked that even *I* paused at making the trek “just for cupcakes”. I know, that makes you want to take away my crazy-foodie status, don’t you? 
Salted Caramel

Fortunately, at my current company, when someone was asking my advice on where to get good cupcakes for a coworker gathering, I thankfully remembered Sibby’s. Even more thankfully, they took my recommendation and one morning, I faced that beautiful box of delicious cupcakes again. My favorite – or one of my favorites because it seems wrong to choose just one – is the Salted Caramel. Lots of desserts claim to have salted caramel but their caramel is either too salty or not salty at all. Sibby’s Salted Caramel has just the right amount of saltiness. Plus the cupcake itself was delicious.

Coconut Cupcake
Then, because it’s been such a long dry spell without Sibby’s, I ended up taking a second cupcake for later (don’t judge). This time I got the Coconut with cream cheese frosting.  Not quite as good as the Salted Caramel but still more delicious than your average cupcake. Believe me, when it comes to sugary calories, I don’t do average.

If you forced me to rate cupcakeries, I’d have to rank Sibby’s at the top for cupcakes in general, followed by the Cookie Butter cupcake from Fairy Cakes, the Samoa cupcake from Sift, the red velvet at Sprinklesthen the Toffee Crunch cupcake from Minicakes by Tasha. It shows how highly I think of Sibby’s when I don’t limit their ranking to a particular flavor like I do with the other cupcakeries. Yep, they’re that good. I want them to go on Cupcake Wars, win the $10,000 and open their own storefront. Then I don’t have to dream up reasons to order a dozen cupcakes and drive miles away to pick them up. They are a bit pricey for what you get ($42 for a dozen of the regular size which are smaller than Sprinkles and about the size of Kara's) in terms of size but if you're a foodie, it's worth it for the taste.

