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SRC: Easy Peanut Butter and Banana Flan

It's Secret Recipe Club Group D reveal day again. This month has gone particularly quickly probably because I've been so busy. If you need a quick reminder, Secret Recipe Club is a fun blogging challenge where each blog is paired with another blog in secret. You are given your assigned blog well ahead of time and the idea is you make something from that blog and everyone reveals what they've made on the same day! 

This month my assigned blog is Confessions of a Cooking Diva written by Julie. She lives in Utah, loves food, Basset Hounds and the colour pink. She's addicted to TV shows and is scared of spiders! She loves creating her own recipes as well as discovering new ones and she certainly has lots of great recipes on her site. 

As I was busy packing to move house when I got my assignment I knew I had to choose a relatively simple recipe, preferably a no bake recipe. I shortlisted her Strawberry Cream Pie and Easy Frozen Peanut Butter Banana and Chocolate Pie. However, if I had all my regular baking equipment, I really want to try her Key Lime Bundt Cake and Apple Pecan Cheesecake
This really is a very simple, no bake recipe with great results. I made a few minor changes as I had absolutely no equipment and minimal ingredients. Unfortunately the supermarket had run out of ready made pie crusts so I bought a flan cake instead and it worked quite well. I don't have a microwave in my new house and I haven't unpacked the pots and pans so I left out the chocolate drizzle. I did however have some mini peanut butter cups that I was given as a birthday present which was perfect to decorate this pie/flan with.

Recipe adapted slightly from Confessions of a Cooking Diva

1 ready made pie crust/flan cake
1 banana, sliced
200g cream cheese
300mls double cream
100g sugar
250g smooth peanut butter
Mini peanut butter cups to decorate.

  • Whisk the cream until stiff then place in a bowl.
  • Whisk the peanut butter, cream cheese and sugar until smooth.
  • Stir in the whipped cream.
  • Place the flan case on a cake tray or plate.
  • Place a layer of sliced bananas on top as shown.
  • Fill with the cream cheese/peanut butter filling.
  • Decorate with mini peanut butter cups.
  • Chill overnight before serving.

