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Asparagus and Feta Fritters topped with a Poached Egg and Avgolemono

Fritters are definitely one of my favourite foods! There is just something irresistible about a savoury vegetable cake that is fried until golden brown and crispy! One of the things that I like so much about them is that you can make them with all sorts of different vegetables and and over the last few years I have been experimenting with different vegetables. One vegetable that I had never even considered using to make a fritter with, one of my favourite vegetables, was asparagus and when I came across the idea of asparagus fritterson Kalofagasrecently I knew that I would have to try making some. What's more is that these asparagus fritters use some of my favourite Greek flavours including lots of fresh herbs and feta, a flavour combination that I have used in spinach frittersand zucchini frittersin the past.

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