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Roasted Tomato Salsa

One of the staples for fajita fillings in my book is a tasty salsa and since homemade salsas are always great and they are also fairly easy to make I set about making one. Tomatoes are not in season right now and the hothouse tomatoes are not all that flavourful but you can certainly enhance their flavour by roasting them in the oven. Roasting vegetables like this concentrates their flavour and tomatoes are particularly good when roasted. I figured that since I was roasting the tomatoes anyways I might as well roast the chili peppers as well. Once everything was all roasted up the only question remaining was how smooth or chunky do you want your salsa. If you like it smooth you can puree it in the food processor and if you like it on the chunkier side you can just dice everything be hand. One nice thing about a salsa like this is that you can make it a day ahead of time and lighten the load on a day that you make a meal that has a lot of components like fajitas.

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