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Mole Sauce

Mexican cuisine is one of my favourites and with Cinco de Mayo quickly approaching it was the perfect excuse to indulge a bit! In fact, I figured that I would go all out and make a mole sauce . There are many different kinds mole sauces but perhaps the best known one is the mole poblano which contains many ingredients including chocolate. I have always been intrigued by the idea of using chocolate in a savoury dish and so as soon I heard about a mole sauce I had to try it. In this mole sauce the chocolate adds to an already complex flavour base without dominating but rather complimenting the other flavours really nicely.

If you just look at the list of ingredients and the instructions it is easy to see that this is a fairly time consuming recipe and because of that, I do not make it too often but, it is well worth the effort! The base of this mole sauce is comprised of chilies, nuts and seeds and the body is built up with onions, garlic, tomatoes, tomatillos, and even a plantain. Next up is are some spices, the chocolate and some thickeners. Despite the long list of ingredients and the time required, this recipe is pretty straight forward and easy.

One of the things that I like so much about this mole sauce, other than how tasty it is, is that you can use it in so many different dishes. I always enjoy simply serving it on chicken but it also goes well in tacos, enchiladas, etc. Now that I have my mole sauce made, I am looking forward to some tasty dishes with it over the next few days as Cinco de Mayo comes!

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