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I'm going off the grid! First, I'm flying to Austin to be a preliminary judge at the Austin Chronicle Hot Sauce Festival on Sunday, and then I'm headed to North Texas for a few days to spend time on my grandparents' farm. If I'm lucky, my grandma will teach me how to make fruit preserves; I hear the pears are already in season in Chambersville, and my grandma has tempted me with a recipe for pear honey. I don't even know what that is but it sure sounds delicious! And my grandparents are due a few batches of my biscuits, which always pair well with fresh jam.

Since I'm afraid my sensitivity to chile heat isn't what it used to be, to prepare for the hot-sauce judging I've been taking daily doses of habanero salsa like medicine. I leave you now with one of the salsas I made—a fruity, spicy mix made with fresh, ripe peaches, yellow tomatoes, cilantro and a habanero. It's terrific on seafood, chicken, pork or simply as a dip for tortilla chips.
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