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Cottage Cheese and Egg Muffins with Ham and Cheddar Cheese

Cottage Cheese and Egg Muffins with Ham and Cheddar Cheese
These cottage cheese and egg muffins are one of my favourite breakfasts and since I had some leftover ham I figured that it was a great opportunity to update the photos for this recipe which I originally posted back in 2008! I first came across the idea for these muffins on Kalyns Kitchen and they reminded me of the cottage cheese muffins that my mother used to make when I was a kid so I had to make them. The primary ingredients of these muffins are the cottage cheese and eggs with a bit of flour to bind things together and from there you can add pretty much whatever you want! I particularly like the ham and cheese combo but I use other ingredients depending on what I feel like. Because of all of the moisture from the cottage cheese these muffins come out nice and light, fluffy and moist and what's better is that with a minute in the microwave the leftovers from the fridge are just as good as freshly made so you can make a batch on the weekend and have quick breakfasts for the week. They also freeze really well so you can make them for later on when you know you will be busy. What a great way to enjoy some leftover ham, or a great reason to pick up some more ham!
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