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Making Time for Yourself {+ prAna Giveaway}

Making time for yourself is so important! Whether it's taking a walk, doing yoga, or going to the gym, 
be sure to make YOU a priority.
Photo courtesy of prAna
This isn't my usual post today. I'm not sharing a recipe or a how-to, but sharing the importance of making time for yourself. Do you make time for YOU every day? Or even every week? I for one am guilty of not spending time on myself as often as I should. Between work and my boys, homework, sports. etc., it can be difficult to carve out "me time." This Fall I've decided that needs to change, even if I spend just 20 to 30 minutes doing something that I love.

Although my love for baking goes really deep, and I consider baking "my time," it's nice to get out of the house, get some fresh air, and be active. Two of my favorite activities are walking and yoga. I rarely exercise at a gym, I do mostly everything at home. Taking a walk around my neighborhood is so refreshing. Since I live further out of the city, but not totally in the country, there is so much to see on my walk. Whether it's a deer near the river, little squirrels and chipmunks running through the woods, or the tons of beautiful birds we have in our area, I never tire of the beautiful scenery. 

Photo courtesy of prAna
I also love to do yoga, and again it's something I do at home, in the comfort of my living room. Luckily with technology these days, there are many sessions I can do via the On Demand section of my cable TV. Whether I want to go hard or take it easy that day, there is always something to choose from.

Whether I'm out for a walk or doing yoga, being comfortable is a top priority. Who wants to do yoga in super tight pants or something that just doesn't fit right? Luckily I have some beautiful pieces from prAna to help me with that! From pants to sweaters to hoodies, they've got everything I need to work out comfortably.

I had the privilege of choosing one item from prAna's organic collection to try out, and I picked the Georgia Wrap. I absolutely love it and have been wearing it all the time! It's super soft and warm, and it's perfect paired with my yoga pants and a tank top, or with jeans. I love that it can be dressed up or worn casually! 
The Georgia Wrap - photo courtesy of
I've carved out time for myself first thing in the morning. I find when I take a walk in the morning, just for 20 minutes, and enjoy a light, healthy breakfast, I am ready for anything that day! My favorite breakfast is a cup of Stonyfield's Oh My Yog! Madagascar Vanilla Bean and some granola. If you haven't tried Oh My Yog! yet, you definitely must! Rich and creamy, it comes in flavors like Pacific Coast Strawberry and Gingered Pear, just to name a few. Every single one is delicious, but the Vanilla Bean happens to be my favorite. 

Now for the big surprise....I get to give away ONE item from the prAna organic collection, up to $99! You can enter via the giveaway tool below.

To receive a 15% off discount at, use the code JBYF15CNDB at checkout. This discount is not valid for prAna Influencers, on Gift Certificates, or with any other offers, and is valid until Dec 15, 2015.

prAna Giveaway I am honored to be a member of the Stonyfield Clean Plate Club and this post was created in partnership with both Stonyfield and prAna. All opinions, as always, are my own.
