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Pineapple Sweet Chili Sauce

Pineapple Sweet Chili Sauce
Sweet chili sauce is one of my favourite condiments and it's super easy to make at home! You pretty much just need to puree some chilies and garlic, add a liquid, sugar, vinegar and a thickener and you are have some tasty homemade sweet chili sauce! One of the nice things about the sweet chili sauce recipe is that you can change it up by adding different things and in this case I went with a tropical theme by adding pineapple! In addition to adding the pineapple I switched the sugar for palm sugar to add a depth of flavour. If you love sweet chili sauce then you'll love this pineapple sweet chili sauce even more, both for the flavour and for the small chunks of pineapple which make this sweet chili sauce amazing!
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