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The summer season may be over but that does not mean that burger season has to end just yet. One of the worlds favourite meals or some would say snack the Hamburger is being made in so many different ways that I could not help but to try my hand at one and the results where terrific for this palate. I have been eating burgers for as long as I can remember, as a kid my great grandma would make one for us at lunch time and we would woof them down in a heartbeat hoping that we could have another made on the grill.

People like a variety of sized burgers, I feel that the 1/4 pound burger is sufficient and lets you enjoy the condiments and ingredients better, too much burger takes away from the flavours that we want to enjoy with our burger. You can top your burger anyway you like once its done, but what everyone needs to remember is that when making a burger just let it cook once per side and don't press the burger hoping to cook it faster or you will dry it out as this lets the juice escape. You can pan grill the burgers indoors or even use a skillet with a little butter. I decided to load the cheese, triple cheese burger, why have one type only?

Inspired by 21 Favourite Burger Recipes


Triple Cheese Hamburger Recipe
Prep Time: 10 minutes  Cook Time: 12 minutes  Servings: 2

Gourmet Style Hamburgers


2 all beef hamburger patties 1/4 pound
2 hamburger crustini buns
1/2 cup of shredded cheddar cheese
1/2 cup of shredded mozzarella cheese
1/4 cup of shredded goat cheese
1/2 cup of hot pepper rings
4 leaves of romaine lettuce, torn
1/4 cup of ketchup or bbq sauce
1 tbsp of relish
1 tsp of mustard
2 sandwich pickles
1/2 tomato, cut in slices
2 tbsp of unsalted butter (optional)


1- Wash patties in cold water and dry off, heat grill pan or skillet on medium/low, add butter if using and let melt coating the pan.
2- Mix together ketchup, relish and mustard.
3- Place pattie in hot skillet and cook about 6 minutes each side, do not press down on pattie and turn only once, cook to desired doneness depending how you like your burgers.
4- Heat burger buns in toaster oven if desired.
5- Layer both sides of buns with ketchup mixture.
6- On the bottom bun add, shredded cheddar cheese and 1/4 of lettuce.
7- Place cooked burger on top and then add shredded mozzarella cheese, tomato slices, lettuce, goat cheese, sandwich pickles and hot pepper rings. Add top bun.
8- Enjoy !!!

