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This is my late entry to AlphaBakes which I am hosting so I am obviously allowing the late entry! It's been a really busy month what with going away for my birthday and moving house and being ill so I've not really had a chance to bake or blog much. I'm still living in a sea of boxes which makes it harder to bake as I don't have all my regular equipment. I had to be inventive with opening the can of condensed milk as I couldn't find my can opener. 

When I chose the letter K at the beginning of this month, J mentioned that he wanted a key lime pie. I've never made one before and was keen to make it for AlphaBakes but time ran away with me. Anyway I managed to bake this quickly earlier tonight and it looks really good! I've had a little taste (saving it for tomorrow)  and you can clearly taste the lime. I love the crunchy biscuit base and the sweetened cream adds extra indulgence whilst cutting through the rich filling. 

As mentioned this is for AlphaBakes which I am hosting this month with my co host Caroline from Caroline Makes. The letter is K for Key Lime Pie. The round up will be ready later tomorrow or Monday at the latest - apologies for the delay. 

 adding lime zest 

 baked crust 

 add the filling and bake for 15 minutes 

 looks a little plain... 

 add whipped cream and lime zest 

Recipe from BBC Good Food 
