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Crockpot Chicken Santa Fe

Over the last little while I have come across a number of tasty looking crockpot recipes and that reminded me about the crockpot that I picked up over a year ago and hardly used. The only thing that I have really done with it so far is pulled pork, and it is really good at slowly braising pork until it is pull apart tender, but I had always wanted to try doing something more with it. I had always liked the idea of being able to put some ingredients into a crockpot, walk away for a few hours and come back to a fully cooked meal with no fuss and minimum effort but I had never gotten around to trying it out. Even though the holidays are done and the new year is hear, I have been pretty busy and I figured that it was the perfect time to get into some crock pot cooking and I wanted to start with this tasty recipe for crockpot chicken santa fethat I found on Skinny Taste

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